Bulletproof coffee is one of the newest coffee crazes out there. The concoction of mold-free coffee, grass-fed butter, and MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) oil was created by Dave Asprey, a lifestyle and health guru. Asprey came up with the idea after hiking in Tibet and drinking yak butter tea, a common beverage in Tibetan culture. Some believe that drinking bulletproof coffee can curb hunger, clear mental fog, and help promote weight loss. Although there are divided opinions about the health benefits of bulletproof coffee, the drink has rapidly grown in popularity since Asprey first posted the recipe in 2009.
RECIPE TIP: To acquire the supposed health benefits of this drink, it is specifically recommended to use grass-fed butter. Similarly, MCT oil, which is easily found in your local grocery store, is recommended for the original recipe; however, many people substitute coconut oil for the MCT oil.